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Legal notice

IRIZAR S. COOP. complies with the requirements set forth in Spanish law 34/2002 of 11 July for the Information Society and E-commerce Services, and they have created the legal notice below for those purposes.

Usage of the Website confers the condition of user to the person using the Website and implies full acceptance without reservations of all the provisions of this Legal Notice. The services provided by the Website have a duration limited to the time the user is connected to the Website or any of the services that are provided on it. Consequently, the user must read this Legal Notice carefully every time they intend to use the Website, because it and the conditions for use in this Legal Notice are subject to change.


  • Legal Name: IRIZAR S. Coop. (hereinafter IRIZAR)
  • Fiscal Identification Number: F20026944
  • Registered in the Registry of Cooperatives of the Basque Country 
  • Registered on page 145 of the Cooperative Societies Registration Book, with registration number 86.1.173.
  • Legal Address: Zumárraga Bidea, 8 20216 Ormaiztegi, Gipuzkoa, Spain
  • Email: Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.
  • Telephone: 943809100


IRIZAR is the owner of the elements that make up the website at, including the source code, navigation structure, database, graphic design and content including menus, navigation buttons, texts, images, textures and graphics, etc. (hereinafter the Content) or, as may apply, they have permission to use the elements. None of those exploitation rights recognised under the intellectual property regulations in force can be considered to be transferred to the user, except the ones that are strictly necessary to use the Website.

Trademarks: All the products and company names mentioned here are trademarks of their respective owners. In no way can accessing the Website be understood to grant any rights regarding the aforementioned trademarks, commercial names or distinctive signs.


    Users must use the Website in an acceptable way in compliance with the law and this Legal Notice. Users will be liable to IRIZAR or third parties for any damages caused as a consequence of misusing the website.
    Usage of the Website for purposes that damage the goods or interests of IRIZAR or third parties, or that overload, damage or make networks, servers or other computer equipment (hardware) or any products or applications (software) belonging to IRIZAR or a third party unusable is expressly prohibited.
     The user promises to use the Content in conformance with the law and this Legal Notice and to comply with the rest of the conditions, regulations and instructions that may be applicable. Without limitation, in accordance with the laws in force, the user must refrain from:
  • Reproducing, copying, distributing, making available, publicly communicating, transforming or modifying the Content except for cases authorized under the law or where permission is expressly given by IRIZAR or whoever is the owner of the exploitation rights 
  • Reproducing or copying the Content that may be considered software or a database for private use, in compliance with the intellectual property rights laws in force, or publicly communicating it or making it available to third parties when those acts necessarily involve reproduction by the user or a third party 
  • Extracting or reusing the Content of the Website or databases that IRIZAR makes available to users in whole or in part
     Users who want to make a link from their own websites to the Website must comply with the conditions stated below. Unawareness of the conditions does not circumvent legal liability.
  • Links may only point to the home page or main page of the Website, and they may not reproduce it in any way (inline links, copies of text or graphics, etc.).
  • In accordance with the applicable laws in force at the time, it is prohibited in any event to create frames or iframes of any kind that wrap the Website or make it possible to view the Content at internet addresses different from the Website. And, in any event, when the Content is seen alongside content not from the Website in a way that: (i) causes or may cause error, confusion or deceit for users about the true origin of the service or Content; (ii) is an unfair comparison or imitation: (iii) is used to make use of the brand reputation or prestige of IRIZAR; (iv) is prohibited in any way by the laws in force.
  • No kind of false, inaccurate or incorrect statement about IRIZAR, its members, employees, clients or the quality of the services it provides may be made on the page that contains the link. 
  • In no event shall the page that contains the link express that IRIZAR has given consent to insert the link or in any other way sponsors, collaborates, verifies or supervises the services of the referrer.
  • It is prohibited to use any wordmark, graphic or mixed mark or any other distinctive sign of IRIZAR on the referrer’s website except in the cases allowed under the law or expressly authorized by IRIZAR, and as long as, in these cases, a direct link with the Website is allowed in the manner set forth in this clause.
  • The website that creates the link must faithfully comply with the law and in no event can it contain or link to its own or third party content that: (i) is illicit, harmful or immoral or against moral principles (pornography, violent or racist content, etc.): (ii) leads or may lead users to have the false conception that IRIZAR endorses, backs, adheres to or in any way supports the licit or illicit ideas, statements or expressions of the referrer: (iii) are inappropriate or not pertinent to IRIZAR’s business activities insofar as the location, content and subject matter of the referrer’s website.


     Access to the Website does not imply IRIZAR is obligated to check the veracity, accuracy, suitability, exhaustiveness or currentness of the information provided on it.
    IRIZAR is not liable for decisions made based on the information provided on the Website or any damages caused to a user or third party because of actions that are solely based on information obtained on the Website.
     Access to the Website does not imply that IRIZAR is obligated to monitor the absence of virus, worms or any other harmful digital element. In every event, the user is responsible for having suitable tools for detecting and disinfecting harmful software.
    IRIZAR is not liable for damage caused to the computer equipment of users or third-parties while providing the Website service.
     Access to the Website requires third party services and provisioning including transport over telecommunications networks whose reliability, quality, continuity and functionality does not depend on IRIZAR. Consequently, services provided on the Website can be suspended, cancelled or they may become inaccessible prior to or simultaneous with providing the service of the Website.
    IRIZAR is not liable for any kind of damages caused to users who allege errors or disconnections of telecommunications networks that cause the Website service to be suspended, cancelled or interrupted while the service is being provided or prior to it. 
    The Website access service includes technical link devices, directories and even search tools that let users access other websites on the internet (hereinafter Linked Sites). In those cases, IRIZAR acts as a provider of intermediation services in accordance with article 17 of Spanish law 34/2002 of 12 July regarding the Information Society and E-commerce Services (LSSI) and they are only responsible for the content and services provided on the Linked Sites to the extent they have effective knowledge of its illicitness and the link has not been deactivated with due diligence.
    In no event shall the existence of Linked Sites presuppose the existence of agreements with the owners or administrators of those sites, nor a recommendation, promotion or identification by IRIZAR of or with the statements, content or services provided.
    IRIZAR has no knowledge of the content and services on Linked Sites and, consequently, they are not liable for damages caused by the illicitness, quality, out-of-dateness, unavailability, error or uselessness of the content or services on the Linked Sites or any other damages that is not directly attributable to IRIZAR. 
     The private data collected on the website will be handled in accordance with the regulations in force for protecting personal data, (EU Regulation 2016/679, General Data Protection Regulation and Spanish organic law 3/2018 of 5 December for the protecting personal data and guaranteeing digital rights). For more information about how your personal data is handled on the Website, see the privacy policy.
     IRIZAR informs you they have the implemented technical and organisational level security measures necessary to guarantee the security of your personal data and keep it from being altered, lost and processed or accessed in an unauthorised way, considering the state of the technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks it is exposed to. All of the above is in accordance with the regulations in force for the protection of personal data (EU regulation 2016/679 the General Data Protection Regulation and Spanish organic law 3/2018 of 5 December for protecting personal data and guaranteeing digital rights).
  • LAW
     This legal notice is governed by Spanish law.